Thursday, 16 February 2012

Word ART and alpha matte

I had done some research on alpha matte. Alpha matte is when you want one layer to show through holes defined by another layer set up for a track matte. This is perfect for creating a stencil.

It works on the principle that the underlying layer gets it transparency values from the values of certain channels in the track matte layer. Either its alpha channel or the luminance of its pixels. A track matte only applies to the layer directly beneath it.

I used this technique as a valuable part of my project. I used alpha matte to create the bottom layer of my animation to create the effect that the paint had gone through the stencil to leave just the word "ARTS" covered in paint and the left over surrounding paint that didnt get taken off with the stencil.

I created this by using the alpha matte inverted function by selecting the stencil that was directly above paint layer. The result was that the stencil became transparent leaving behind the underneath part with the paint on it. I used this same technique to create the stencil itself

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